Who We Are

Our Statement of Faith
Our Statement of Faith

I believe in:

…God the Father who loves us, and has created all things. Out sin has separated us from God and led to broken lives and a suffering world.

…Jesus his son, who entered our world, to share our weakness and suffering, and who bore our sins on the cross that we may be set free.

…Holy Spirit who bt grace gives us the gift of faith, that we may be reborn spiritually, and reconnected to the Father. By grace He is healing us from the inside out, and gives each spiritual gifts to bless others.


We Believe that:

…True church is all who trust in Jesus. We are called to love and to make Christ-followers of all people.

…The Bible is the God-breathed, inerrant Word, to lead us to faith, to transform our thinking, and guide us in all areas of life.

…Baptism is about the beginning of our journey of being cleansed by God. Communion keeps us centered in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

…Jesus will return one day to make a new heaven and earth, where believers will dwell forever in his love; but casting into the lake of fire all who reject him.

Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission & Vision

The important thing is to bring as many as possible to salvation in Christ through sincere repentance and living faith. It is not a question of getting the congregation to grow through a compromise with the world, but of ensuring its growth through the drawing and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. The intention is not to turn the congregation into a mission field, but rather to make it an evangelizing force in the world, both at home and abroad.

– Georg Sverdup (1848-1907)


Our Team

We’re here for you. We’d love to meet you and get to know you. Here’s a bit more about us.

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